6 Luglio dalle ore 16.50 alle ore 17.30
6 July
from 4.50 pm to 5.30 pm
The introductory workshop of Capoeira Topazio with Clauber Gucchierato.
The master will introduce the method to the participants in a space of historical relevance such as the Casabianca battery Angelo Emo at the Lido of Venice. Lesson of the lesson: Theoretical explanations on capoeira on its history; Athletic warm-up preparation; Teaching of the specific movements of the discipline: movements, kicks, shy and basic acrobatics; Introduction and use of musical instruments (berimbau, atabaque, pandeiro, agogò, reco-reco) with accompaniment of songs in language Portuguese. For years now, capoeira has been considered an educational and training tool in Brazil and has been successfully tested in social projects active in different parts of the world. Currently the knowledge and the practice of capoeira begin to be proposed also in the events or exhibitions. On the Venetian territory in the last years the Formado Clauber of the Capoeira group Topazio has committed itself to promote the knowledge of the capoeira in some exhibitions proposing the teaching of the discipline. For registration, write to lab@fortinfest.org or directly to the teacher by contacting him on facebook:
https: //www.facebook.com/capoeiratopaziovenezia/photos/
Through this project the Topazio Group operates in Brazil, to promote recovery and the integration of “street children”, establishing community schools (public schools where capoeira is introduced as the first contact with the educational world) in the poor or peripheral neighborhoods of the city of Salvador. This project has given very positive results, giving the possibility to these minors to abandon the drug tour through the practice and attendance of a healthy, aggregation sports such as that of capoeira.