Workshop of intercultural cusine Haiti – Mexico – Cuba
Saturday 23 September from 6 PM,
Baia Forte Marghera
We are going to look at the tortilla preparation o tacos Messicani.
for reservations: info@fortinfest.org!
Sunday 24 dalle ore 11.00
Base Scout Forte Marghera
Workshop of intercultural cusine
the food will be
the preparation of tortilla
carebean rise and beans
beans souce
tomatoes souce
Chicken and pork grillot
and churros cubani
Reservation is necessary!
oppure 3470986606
Las Tostada de Rancho.-Ejutla de Crespo Oaxaca.-Creditos:Flor Guzman
Опубліковано Kanzio Lize 16 червня 2017 р.